E mai uşor să pui întrebări decât să dai răspunsuri. “If Jesus were a mayor?” (Dacă Isus ar fi primar?)

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„Am dat adineauri de o carte în stilul W.W.J.D. cu titlul “If Jesus were a mayor?” de Bob Moffitt. Spre surprinderea mea, am găsit câteva pagini din ea în acces liber pe http://www.harvestfoundation.org/files/Materials/Download%20Materials/10-16-09%20IJWM%20EN%20Excerpt.pdf

Cred că întrebările pe care le formulează Bob Moffitt ne-ar ajuta şi pe noi, în preajma perioadei electorale să ne clarificăm criteriile proprii cetăţeneşti mai îndrăzneţe şi, astfel să putem răspunde mai înţelept la clasica întrebare “dar eu cu cine votez?”.

Mai mult, interogaţiile lui Moffitt clarifică şi ridică standardul pentru doritorii votului creştinilor, iar dacă candidaţii vor auzi şi se vor ridica la nivelul acelui standard, vom câştiga cu toţii şi, mai ales, vom fi scutiţi de regretele şi dezamăgirea în urma alegerilor, ţinând cont de vorba de mai demult, că orice ţară (a se citi comună, municipiu, judeţ) îşi merită conducătorii.”

“• What would Jesus do if He were Mayor?
• What would He do about street children and the homeless?
• What would He do about alcoholism, drug abuse, and other addictions?
• How would He strengthen families?
• How would He promote safe drinking water, adequate housing and food, health services, garbage and sewer systems, and decent roads?
• What would He do about fair wages and adequate employment?
• What would He do about unwanted children and care for the sick and elderly?
• What would He do to bring beauty—clean streets, trees, flowers, and public parks?
• What changes would He make in the education of children and adults?
• What new public policy decisions would He institute?
• How would He help people evaluate problems and make just decisions?
• What would He do to change the way local government works?
• Would His teachings be televised? Would He hold “town meetings” where His agenda and Kingdom principles would be set forth?
• What would He do about crime and civil unrest? What guidelines would He use for police and community relations?
• What changes would He make in the courts? In the prison systems?
• What would He do about the gap between the rich and the poor?
• How would the “little people” be treated in the community? How would the powerful people feel about Him?
• What would He do about corruption and bribery?
• What regulations would He establish for business?
• What would He do about depression, loneliness, and mental illness?
• How would He deal with pornography, sexual immorality, and prostitution?
• What would He do about child and spousal abuse?
• How would He improve social relationships among the citizens?
• What would He do about recreation and entertainment?
• What role would the church play in the community?
• How would He encourage unity among the churches?
• What would He do about other religions?
• Would His teachings and actions put His life in jeopardy?
• How would the community be changed to reflect the administration‟s priorities?

We are working in the realm of our imaginations, and there is a caution. Before our speculations go off course, I should say what I do and do not mean. Let‟s use these as ground rules to imagine His governance in ways that are compatible with the realities of Jesus and the present
• Jesus‟ mayoral actions would match the character of God, revealed in Scripture. He would
carry out God‟s will.
• Jesus would not be literally returning in the flesh as a community leader.

Instead, we are imagining what would happen if Jesus‟ character, values, laws, and teachings were the governing basis for our communities.

• Jesus would not establish a theocracy or a government ruled by the church.
• Individuals would have free choice.
• Jesus would not create a welfare state. For example, His government would not instantly provide free housing for everyone. He would not instantly and miraculously make everything perfect for all of the citizens. As He did in Scripture, He would involve the citizens in healing the brokenness around them.

We cannot know exactly what Jesus would do as Mayor, but we can study Scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what they mean for our communities. We need to know God‟s Word and character—and hear His voice. The things Jesus would do as Mayor would reflect the Father‟s
will for the community. Jesus taught us to pray to our Father: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 6 God wants His will done on earth—now—as it is in heaven.

He desires this because He loves us and the world He created. He wants the very best for us. As we will learn, He wants to reconcile everything back to Himself. We can also learn from others, as we will in this chapter and throughout this book, to see how they have already answered the question in their locales: “What would Jesus do here if He were
Mayor?” Let‟s imagine again. Imagine what would happen if God‟s will were done on earth as in heaven. Another way to think of this is to ask ourselves: “What would happen if, next Monday morning starting at 9 a.m., everyone in our community started to live as God intends?”

• What would happen to us, personally, if we fully obeyed God’s intentions for our relationships, the care of our bodies, and our walk with God?
• What would happen in our families if all members fully obeyed God‟s intentions in their relationships to one another?
• What would happen in our church and the other churches of our community if all the leaders and members truly loved each other, served one another, advocated for the powerless, and lived in unity?
• What would happen in our community if our leaders worked together for the common good, with honesty and integrity?
• What would happen if cheating, dishonesty, or corruption were never used in our business community?
• What would happen if children respected their parents and learned from them?
• What would happen if there were no corruption in our nation—but real justice?”

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